Cogosense Blog

Cogosense's Driver Behaviour Blog

3rd Annual Distracted Driving Survey: Results Now Available!

Employers continue to be concerned about the risk and liability posed by employee use of mobile devices while driving on the job.  In fact, seven in ten companies have adopted written policies designed to curb employee distracted driving, but only 32% are confident that current enforcement methods are effective at achieving compliance.

These are among the new findings from our Third Annual Enterprise Distracted Driving Survey of 547 fleet safety and risk management professionals.  Other key findings include:

  • “Hands-Free” and “Zero Tolerance” are most popular policies. 45% of existing employer policies prohibit all use, except hands-free.  41% prohibit all use, no exceptions. 12% prohibit texting emailing and browsing.
  • Efforts to enforce distracted driving policies remain steady. 86% of companies report taking some steps to enforce distracted driving policies. 
  • Confidence is lacking in current policy enforcement. Confidence in current enforcement efforts is limited. Only 32% report they are “very confident” that current methods are effective. 60% are “somewhat confident”, while 8% are “not confident”.
  • Interest in policy technology continues to grow.  22% of companies plan to evaluate either device-based software, device analytics or in-vehicle cameras within the next twelve months to better enforce compliance with distracted driving policies.
  • Android™ and iPhone® smartphones are fast growing, while Blackberry and Push-to-Talk (PTT) phones are hanging in.  Android™ and iPhone® continue to grow rapidly and now represent 61% of corporate-liable smartphone devices. BlackBerrys have decreased, but remain prominent with 30% market share and appear to have good prospects to maintain share based on customer interest in the new BlackBerry 10 devices.
  • The tablet wave is coming to commercial fleet vehicles. A full 27% of respondents currently equip employee drivers with some form of tablet computer. Of those, 73% are iPads and 27% are Android.  Prospects for continued growth appear strong as 8% of total respondents indicate plans to deploy tablets to employee drivers within the next 12 months.

To download the full survey analysis, please visit:


These findings are based on an online survey of 547 fleet safety and risk management professionals across a variety of industries in North America.  It is the third year in a row the survey has been conducted.  Responses were taken over 3 weeks from March 20 until April 10, 2013.  The margin of error for the full sample is ± 5.0 percentage points.

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FCC Showcases FleetSafer Technology to Prevent Distracted Driving

The FCC announced today that it is hosting a technology showcase on April 19th in Washington, D.C. to educate the public on innovative technology solutions designed to promote safe and legal use of mobile devices while driving.  Consumers, technology organizations, wireless carriers, law enforcement and others are invited to attend.

I look forward to attending on behalf of Aegis Mobility and demonstrating how our patented FleetSafer software enables commercial fleet operators to reduce crashes and minimize risk by promoting responsible and compliant use of mobile devices while employees are driving on the job.  Specifically i will be showing FleetSafer on BlackBerry® and Android™ smartphones and tablets and also on Kyocera feature phones with Sprint® Direct Connect®.

Also attending and exhibiting are our longtime friends from NOYS, NSC, DriveSmart VA and Sprint.

If you are planning to attend the event and would like to connect, please drop me a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or @matthewjhoward.


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Employee Distracted Driving: Understanding Your Business Risk and Liability

When employees crash while using a mobile device, employers are faced with significant risk and liability.

And when it comes to plaintiffs' filing distracted driving lawsuits against employers, the landscape is changing rapidly.

That's precisely why we released today the second edition of our white paper entitled, Employee Distracted Driving: Understanding Your Business Risk and Liability. 

Originally published in 2010, this new version of the paper was developed in collaboration with a national law firm specialized in defending corporate clients in complex litigation matters.  The release of the paper coincides with National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and provides employers with a fresh examination of a broad range of distracted driving issues including:

  • Scientific research and statistics
  • Changing regulatory and legislative environments
  • Recent litigation and verdicts
  • Industry standards and best practices for risk management
  • Solutions to promote compliance with documented policy

The paper is available for free download and we encourage employers everywhere to take a look and see how the world of distracted driving risk management is changing.

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The 3rd Annual Survey on Work Place Distracted Driving is Now Open!

Check it out! The 3rd Annual Survey on Work Place Distracted Driving is now open

The survey takes 3 minutes to complete and is designed to gather feedback from commercial fleet operators and professional risk managers to gauge corporate perspectives and attitudes toward employee use of mobile devices while driving on the job.  

Just like last year (and the year before) the survey is being promoted to key constituents in the commercial fleet industry.  So, if that sounds like you, then we'd be grateful for your participation.

Then on Tuesday, April 16, 2013, we will publish the results -- so everyone can see for themselves how corporate attitudes toward employee distracted driving are changing.

Thanks in advance for your participation.


15906 Hits

Must See Video: Why FleetSafer Is Good For Business

44646 Hits